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Items Needed:
Worksheets: Triangle, Put Me in the Zoo
Books: Bible, Put Me in the Zoo
Activities: Ribbon dance (see below), water, water toys, glue, paper plates, ink pad, photo of child, magnifying glass, play dough, baking soda, cornstarch, food coloring, pom poms
Bible Theme: Thank You, God, for Making Me
Lesson: I am Special
Bible Story: Jesus and the Little Children (This story is different than the one suggested in the Complete 2 Year Curriculum)
Scripture: Matthew 19:13-15
Verse: Genesis 1:1 - In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
Tune: “Are You Sleeping”
In the beginning, (2x)
God created (2x)
The heavens and earth (2x)
Genesis 1:1 (2x)
Bible Song: Jesus Loves the Little Ones Like Me (Traditional)
Jesus loves the little ones like me, me, me.
Jesus loves the little ones like me, me, me.
Little ones like me,
Sat upon His knee,
Jesus loves the little ones like me, me, me.
Jesus loves the little ones like you, you, you.
Jesus loves the little ones like you, you, you.
Little ones like you,
Saved them through, and through,
Jesus loves the little ones like you, you, you.
Poem: God Made Me
Here are my fingers, here are my toes
Here are my knees, here is my nose.
Here are my feet that help me walk around.
Here is my mouth that can make sound.
Here are my ears, my shoulders, my belly
Here is my tongue that eats grape jelly
Here is my hair that is crazy you see
Here is my smile that God gave me!
Colors: Yellow, Orange, Green
Shape: Triangle
Letters: L-P
Numbers: 1-4
Information: First, middle, and last name
Self-care and Manners: Dress self and name clothing
Book of the Week:
Put Me in the Zoo by Robert Lopshire
Fine Motor Skill: Water Play
Gross Motor Skill: Ribbon Dance
Suggested Activities:
• Bible:
- Glue a picture of the child on a white piece of paper. Using an ink pad, have the child make finger prints around the photo. Add the title "God Made Me Special" with the child's name. Exam a fingerprint and explain how every person's fingerprint is different. Look at different people's fingerprints under a magnifying glass
- Hand and Foot Print: Use Clay Dough to make the print.
1 cup Baking Soda, 1/2 cup Cornstarch, 3/4 cup warm water, food coloring
Mix dry ingredients in saucepan. Add plain or tinted (food coloring works well) warm water and stir until dissolved. Cook over medium high heat until it resembles play dough. Remove from heat and cool to touch. Kneed on lightly cornstarched surface until smooth and soft. Roll to the desired thickness. Cut with cookie cutters. Use a straw to make a hole for hanging. Embellish, paint, emboss as desired. Air dry for 24 hours turning one or twice to reduce curling.
- Stand in front of a mirror and talk about different attributes of the child that makes her special.
- Do you Know Who Made the World? (Thank you, Connie, for this idea.)
Tune: "Mary Had a Little Lamb" or "Do You Know the Muffin Man"
Do you know who made me special,
made me special, made me special?
Do you know who made me special?
It was God who made me special?
• Colors and Shape: Using yellow, orange, and green play dough, roll play dough into "snakes" and place on the outline of the triangle on the Triangle worksheet. Talk about how the triangle has three sides and you are using three colors of play dough.
• Book of the Week:
- Put Me in the Zoo Worksheet
Color the "animal" yellow. Add different colored dots to the character with pom-poms, fingerprints, or by drawing little circles to color in. Focus on this week's colors: yellows, orange, and green. (Thank you Amanda for sharing this idea.)
- The "animal" in this book is very special with unique abilities that no one else has.
- Allow the child to finish rhyming phrases in this book.
- When the "animal" says "Why did they put me out this way...", use emotion in your voice.
• Fine Motor Skill:
Using a tub or sink of water, play with cups and other water-safe toys.
• Gross Motor Skill: Ribbon Dancing - Attach ribbons, streamers, or scarves to the end of a ruler, dowel, paper towel holder, or straw. Hold the ribbon swirling it from side to side, up and down, etc. Be sure to switch hands. This activity improves hand-eye coordination.
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