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Items Needed:
Worksheets: Teaching Emotions, Purple Worksheet, Stoplight, Bus, Circle
Books: Bible, Wheels on the Bus
Activities: Construction paper, stickers, painter's tape, purple colored food, clothing a size too big, craft sticks, scissors, jumbo crayons
Bible Theme: Thank You, God, for Making Me
Lesson: My Emotions
Bible Story: I am Wonderfully Made
Scripture: Psalm 139:1-19
Read & Share Toddler Bible
ABCJLM Interactive Bible Stories
Verse: Psalm 139:14 - I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Tune: Deep and Wide
You made me, You made me (Point up, point to self)
In an amazing, wonderful way (Wave arms in the air)
You made me, You made me
In an amazing, wonderful way
You said, in the Psalms (Point up, place hands together to form a book)
139 Verse 14
You made me, You made me
In an amazing, wonderful way.
Bible Song: This Little Light of Mine (Traditional)
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine (repeat 2x)
Let it shine, Let it shine, Let it shine
Hide it under a bushel? No! I'm gonna let it shine (repeat 2x)
Let it shine, Let it shine, Let it shine
Optional verse:
Don't let Satan blow it out…
Let it shine 'til Jesus comes…
Let it shine all over our home…
Poem: Head and Shoulders (Traditional)
Tune: “Mary Had a Little Lamb”
Head and shoulders, knees and toes
Knees and toes (Repeat 2x)
Head and shoulders, knees and toes
Clap your hands together
(Start slow and gradually increase the speed as you sing and do actions)
Colors: Purple
Shape: Circle
Letters: L-P
Numbers: 1-4
Information: First, middle, and last name
Self-care: Dress self and name clothing
Book of the Week:
Wheels on the Bus by Various Authors
Fine Motor Skill: Stickers
Gross Motor Skill: Walk on Shapes
Suggested Activities:
• Bible:
- Cut the emotions from the Teaching Emotions worksheet. Color and glue on a purple piece of construction paper. Add the title "God Made My Feelings." Point to the emotions and have the child make a matching face. Discuss situations that may occur to cause the child to feel that emotion and how God made all emotions for good. Jesus has our same emotions.
- "God Made Me" Poem
Here are my fingers, here are my toes
Here are my knees, here is my nose.
Here are my feet that help me walk around
Here is my mouth that can make sound
Here are my ears, my shoulders, my belly
Here is my tongue that eats grape jelly
Here is my hair that is crazy you see
Here is my smile that God gave me!
• Color:
- Color one of the ABCJLM Purple Worksheets with a jumbo purple crayon.
- Eat purple food: Grapes, purple cabbage, grape popsicle, grape jelly, plums.
- Do a Color Walk: Walk around the house or neighborhood looking for the color purple.
• Shape: Color the Stoplight worksheet red, yellow, and green. Discuss red is on top, yellow is in the middle, and green is on the bottom.
- Sing the Circle Song.
• Self-care and Manners:
Dressing is much harder than undressing. Here are some hints: Lay the child's clothes on the floor exactly how the clothing needs to be put on. Lay the underwear and pants so that the child can sit and pull them up to his/her knees. Then have the child stand and pull the clothing up the rest of the way. Lay the non-button shirt with the front down so that the child can pull it over his/her head. With socks, teach the child to pull them up before teaching him/her to put the socks on (teaching backwards). Practice with clothing that is a little too big to give more wiggle room.
• Book of the Week:
- Sing the song as you read the book.
- Color the Bus worksheet.
- Do actions are you sing or read. Make big circles with your arms when you sing about the wheels.
• Fine Motor Skill:
Place the Circle worksheet on a vertical surface. Place various stickers inside the circle. If possible add stickers that correspond with the rest of the week's learning: purple, clothing, circles, different facial expressions (smiley faces).
• Gross Motor Skill: Use pieces of painter’s tape or sidewalk chalk to make large outlines on the floor of the shapes learned thus far - circle, square, and triangle. Have your child identify the shape and then let them walk, crawl, or hop around the edges of the shapes. Note: Do not use masking tape, as it will leave a residue.
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