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Items Needed:
Worksheet: Thank You God for Making Me
Books: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, My First Body Board Book, Wheels on the Bus, Put Me in the Zoo
Activities: Bean bag, string, beads, box or laundry basket
Bible Theme: Thank You, God, for Making Me
Lessons: People, My Body, My Emotions, I am Special
Bible Stories: Creation Day 6, I am Wonderfully Made, Jesus & the Little Children
Verse: Psalm 139:14 - You made me in an amazing and wonderful way.
Bible Songs: God Made Me, O Be Careful, This Little Light of Mine, Jesus Loves the Little Ones Like Me, Me, Me
Poems: Where is Thumbkin, I Have 10 Fingers, Head and Shoulders, God Made Me
Colors: Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Purple, Orange
Shapes: Circle, Line, Square, Triangle
Letters : A-P
Numbers: 1-4
Information: First, middle, and last name
Self-Care: Undress and dress self while naming clothing
Fine Motor Skill: String Beads
Gross Motor Skill: Bean Bag
Suggested Activities:
• This week finishes the "Thank You God for Making Me Book." Color the Thank You God for Making Me worksheet and staple or bind all of the pages together to form a book. Review the Bible stories as you look through the finished book.
• Review all objectives and books covered in the past weeks, and complete any activities that you were unable to finish.
• Fine Motor Skills:
String beads or circular cereal on pipe cleaners and discuss the color and shape of the bead as the child places it on the string.
• Gross Motor Skills: Throw a bean bag or light weighted object into a circle. Use a hoola-hop, sidewalk chalk, or string to create the flat circle.
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