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Items Needed:
Worksheets: Baby Jesus, Square Present, Baby Jesus with the Animals
Books: Bible, I Love You Through and Through
Activities: Fingerpaint, percussion instruments, craft sticks, chocolate pudding, French vanilla pudding, jelly roll pan, graham crackers, handkerchief, paper plate, paint, jumbo paintbrush, yellow and brown yarn, construction paper, scissors, glue
Bible Theme: Happy Birthday, Jesus
Lesson: Jesus is Born
Bible Story: Jesus is Born
Scripture: Luke 2:1-7
Read & Share Toddler Bible
ABCJLM Interactive Bible Stories
Verse: I John 4:8 - God is love.
Tune: Hot Cross Buns
God is love. (Point, cross hands over chest)
God is love.
1 John 4:8 (Form hands to hold a "book)
God is love.
Bible Song: Praise God (Adapted from Unknown Source)
Tune: Three Blind Mice
Hands on your head
Hands on your nose
Hands on your shoulders
Hands on your toes
Do a little side step (step to the side)
Do a little swing (rotate entire body at waist)
God wants you to praise Him (lift hands over head and sway from side to side)
In each and every thing (jump up and down)
Poem: Mary had a Little Lamb (Traditional)
Mary had a little lamb
Little lamb, little lamb
Mary had a little lamb
Its fleece was white as snow.
Colors: Brown, Yellow
Shape: Square
Letters: Q-S
Numbers: 1-5
Information: Mom's Name
Self-care and Manners: Say "Please" and "Thank You"
Book of the Week:
I Love You Through and Through by Bernadette Rossetti Shustak
Fine Motor Skill: Fingerpaint
Gross Motor Skill: March
Suggested Activities:
• Bible:
- Place a few dollops of yellow and brown paint on the Baby Jesus with the Animals worksheet. Use craft sticks to drag the paint across the worksheet.
- Cut out the small baby Jesus from the Baby Jesus worksheet. On a piece of construction paper, glue enough small pieces of brown and yellow yarn to form a bed. Glue Baby Jesus into the bed. Glue craft sticks around the baby to make a manger.
- Make a "Baby in a Hankie" by folding a handkerchief in half, corner to corner. Roll two of the corners of the triangle in towards each other until the rolls touch. Without disturbing the rolls just created, very carefully separate the triangle point. (If you pull too hard the entire thing will fall apart.) Hold the one end while pulling back the other end around the rolls until a cradle is formed. The rolls become a baby. Let the child rock baby Jesus during story time.
• Color:
On a jelly roll pan, fingerpaint using chocolate (brown) and French vanilla (yellow) pudding. Dip graham crackers in the creation for a yummy snack.
• Shape: Cut small squares of brown and yellow construction paper to glue on the Square Christmas Present worksheet. Color the bow. (Thank you to Dina for this idea.)
Cut small squares from construction paper and glue to a large piece of construction paper to create a quilt. Tie this activity to the Letter Q. (Thank you to Jessica for this idea and image.)
• Number:
Using the Apple Tree Number Book, point and count the apples on the trees. Continue to point and count items you find throughout the day.
• Self-Care and Manners:
Focus on "please" and "thank you" this week.
• Book of the Week:
- Use this book to reassure the child how much they are loved by you and God.
• Fine Motor Skill:
- Fingerpaint both sides of a paper plate brown. Let dry. Cut out the large baby from the Baby Jesus worksheet and fingerpaint yellow. Let dry. Glue the baby inside the paper plate. Fold the sides of the plate in so as to swaddle the baby.
• Gross Motor Skill: March around the room as you sing "Mary Had a Little Lamb." Add percussion instruments like drums, sticks, and maracas while marching.
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