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Items Needed:
Tactile Letter: A
Books: Bible, Big Thoughts for Little People, God, I Need to Talk to You about Hurting Others, Zuzu's Wishing Cake
CDs : Hide 'Em in Your Heart Vol. 1
Game: Twister
Worksheets: Angled Line Characters #2; Ruth Gathering Grain; Ruth, Naomi, Boaz Puppets
Activities: Play Dough or putty, objects of different shape to sort, beads, individual numbers in your phone number, Block Activity, craft sticks, paint, grass or leaves
Character Trait: Goodness
Definition: Doing the right thing even when others aren't watching, showing love
Opposite: Self-centered, “me” first, being mean
Big Thoughts for Little People: Letter N
Bible Story: Ruth & Naomi
Objective: We need to show goodness to everyone.
Scripture: Ruth 1-4
The New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes: pg 144-147
The Beginner's Bible: pg 152-155
My Story Bible: pg 34-35
Through the Bible in Felt: Story #54
Comprehension Questions:
What were the names of the people in the story?
How was Ruth good to Naomi?
Verse: Matthew 7:12 - Do to others what you would have them do to you.
Steve Green – Hide 'Em in Your Heart Vol. 1 - #2
Bible Song: Jesus Loves the Little Children (Traditional)
Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Red and yellow, black and white
They are precious in his sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world
Math: Sorting by shape – circle, rectangle, etc.
Letter: A
Pull down, pull down, across
Information: Place in order the numbers of your home phone.
Book of the Week:
Zuzu's Wishing Cake by Linda Michelin
Fine Motor Skill: Find Objects in Play Dough
Gross Motor Skill: Twister
Visual Perception Skill: Block Activity
Suggested Activities:
• Character Trait:
- Samaritan’s Purse is an organization that provides a gift-filled shoebox to children all over the world through Operation Christmas Child. Choosing items to fill the shoebox is an excellent way for your child to share goodness. This also puts into practice the true meaning of Christmas.
- Read God, I Need to Talk to You about Hurting Others by Susan K. Leigh
• Bible:
- Paint the Ruth Gathering Grain worksheet with grass or leaves.
- Using the Ruth, Naomi, Boaz Puppets worksheet, color and tape each character to a craft stick. Have the child tell the story using the puppets. You may also back each with sandpaper or flannel to use with a flannelgraph board.
• Math:
- Sort various items by shape. May use various sized small containers and lids or have your child help empty the dishwasher. Assist her in sorting things on a low table or cabinet if she cannot reach to put the items away. Always have your child explain to you why she sorted the items in their chosen piles.
• Letters:
Week 11 focuses on "A" from the second group of "angled-line letters." Start by creating the characters using short and long craft sticks and move to writing the characters on the Angled Line Characters #2 worksheet to show the progression of the letters and numbers.
- Craft Stick A’s
Gather three craft sticks and instruct the child to make a triangle. Create an "A" by moving the bottom stick up. Continue the activity by making an "A" and saying "A" and then moving the stick down and saying "triangle." Either glue the sticks together when you are finished or attach some Velcro so the child can create it over and over!
• Information:
Continue to sing the song learned last week to help your child learn his phone number. Also, place individual numbers (flashcards, magnetic numbers, or index cards) in the correct order to create your phone number.
• Book of the Week:
- This book gives examples of how your child can reach out to other children and show love - especially children of a different nationality. Also, the book includes sequential direction on how to make a few of crafts.
- Do something nice for someone else to show them friendship – make a card, cookies, or visit a friend in need.
• Fine Motor Skill: Hide little beads in a large piece of play dough or putty. Using her index finger, have your child find the beads. Using her thumb is "cheating" and not working the weaker muscles.
• Gross Motor Skill: While playing the actual rules of Twister are probably too difficult for this age level, take turns calling out colors and body parts to match.
• Visual Perception Skill: Block Activity
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