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Items Needed:
Tactile Letters: C, G, O
Books: Bible, Big Thoughts for Little People, God, I Need to Talk to You About Bullying, Little Bear's Visit, Let's Be Kind
CD: Hide 'Em in Your Heart Vol. 1
Worksheets: Uppercase "C" Characters, Lame Man Healed
Activities: Lacing, Pragmatic Activity, letters and numbers, homemade food (see below), play phone, teddy bear, Teddy Grams or gummy bears, fabric piece, yarn, glue, watercolors, paint, craft sticks, ice cube tray, pool noodles or painter's tape
Character Trait: Kindness
Definition: Being gentle, friendly, courteous; sharing without complaining; being generous; helping others in need; being sensitive to others feelings
Opposite: Mean, selfish, rude, hurtful
Big Thoughts for Little People: Letter D
Bible Story: Healed Through the Roof
Objective: Kindness means helping those around you.
Scripture: Luke 5:17-26
The New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes: pg 264-265
The Beginner's Bible: pg 328-333
My Story Bible: pg 80-81
Through the Bible in Felt: Story #110
Comprehension Questions:
What did the four friends do for their hurt friend?
Do you think it was hard to carry their friend so far to see Jesus?
These men really loved their friend and knew Jesus could heal him. What kind things have you done for your friends?
Verse: Matthew 7:12 - Do to others what you would have them do to you.
Steve Green – Hide 'Em in Your Heart Vol. 1 - #2
Bible Song: Whisper a Prayer (Traditional)
Whisper a prayer in the morning,
Whisper a prayer at noon.
Whisper a prayer in the evening,
He will keep your heart in tune.
God answers prayer in the morning,
God answers prayer at noon.
God answers prayer in the evening.
He will keep your heart in tune.
Math: Opposites - Liquid & Solids
Letters: C, G, O
C - big curve
G - big curve and a dash
O - big curve and close
Information: Dial 911
Book of the Week:
Little Bear's Visit by Else Holmelund Minarik
Fine Motor Skill: Baking/Stirring
Gross Motor Skill: Ladder Rung Jumping
Visual Perception Skill: Lacing
Suggested Activities:
• Character Trait:
- Read God, I Need to Talk to You About Bullying by Dan Carr
- Read Let's Be Kind by P.K. Hallinan
- Read additional ABCJLM Kindess Ideas...
• Bible:
- Color the Lame Man Healed worksheet. Then glue fabric on the bedroll and string on the rope.
- Play "doctor" and talk about how only Jesus can command a lame person to get up and walk.
• Math:
- Water and ice are fun opposites. Paint with water colors and ice cube paint. To make the ice cube paint, pour a small amount of several paint colors into an ice cube tray. Place in the freezer. After 30-45 minutes, place craft sticks into each of the half-frozen cubes of paint. Return to the freezer to finish freezing. Remove from the tray and paint.
• Letters:
Weeks 17 focuses on the uppercase "C" characters C, G, and O. Start by creating the characters using play dough snakes or pipe cleaners for the bubbles and move to writing the characters on the Uppercase "C" Characters worksheet to show the progression of the letters and numbers.
- Play "Go Fish" - use various numbers or letters
Do you have a letter that says /f/?
Do you have the number 4?
Do you have the uppercase letter "O"?
• Information:
- Children need to know how to get a hold of the police department, fire department, and hospital in case of an emergency. Now that the child can recite his phone number and address, the child is ready to practice contacting 911. Have the child dial a play phone and tell the "dispatcher" his name, the emergency, and the address of his home. This is also the time to discuss what denotes an emergency and that 911 is never to be called for any other reason that a true emergency. Also, as a family conduct a practice fire drill. Discuss a meeting place outside the home.
• Pragmatic Activity
Pragmatics is the study of language in a social setting. Included in the 4 Year Curriculum are suggestions to help a child use language appropriately in social situations. Select one or more of the example pages to discuss.
• Book of the Week:
- Read the story while holding your favorite teddy bear.
- Eat Teddy Grams or gummy bears.
• Fine Motor Skills: Make homemade cookies or bread to give away as an act of kindness. While making the food, discuss with your child the liquids and solids that go into the recipe.
• Gross Motor Skills: Using painter's tape, tape 10 lines on the floor or lay 10 pool noodles approximately 2' apart to form ladder rungs. Label the "top" line "10"; next line "9" on down to "1" on the "bottom" line. Standing before the "1" line, jump with feet together over the ladder rungs saying the numbers as you progress up. Work very hard not to fall down.
• Visual Perception Skill: Lacing is an excellent activity to improve fine motor skills and visual perception. The child must use hand-eye coordination to move the string through the holes. Create your own or purchase lacing books. More ideas...
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