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Items Needed:
Tactile Letters: J, j
Books: Bible, Touch and Feel Books, God, I Need to Talk to You About Whining, Food for Thought, Olivia, The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Worksheets: Hook Characters, Joseph in Jail
Activities: Various items to touch, Peg Puzzle, stuffed animal or ball, Lacing, string, paint, various fabrics, container with dried foods, paper plate, old magazines or grocery ads
Character Trait: Patience
Definition: Waiting quietly with a happy heart and not whining
Opposite: Impatient, not waiting
Bible Story: Joseph in Jail
Objective: God wants us to wait patiently.
Scripture: Genesis 39-41
The New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes: pg 66-71
The Beginner's Bible: pg 78-85
Through the Bible in Felt: Story #22
Comprehension Questions :
Why was Joseph in jail?
Would you be pretty upset if you were in jail because someone lied?
Joseph had to be patient knowing that God would take care of him. How did Joseph finally get out of jail?
What was the king's dream?
What did the king's dream mean?
Who told Joseph what the dream meant?
Verse: Psalm 37:7a - Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him.
Tune: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Stars (Thank you to Amber for sharing this)
Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him (patiently is sang quick)
Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him
Psalm thirty seven verse seven
Psalm thirty seven verse seven
Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him
Psalm thirty seven verse seven
Bible Song: Happy All the Time (Traditional) - YouTube
Chorus: (gradually get faster)
I’m inright, (point at self)
outright, (point out)
upright, (point up)
downright, (point down)
Happy all the time. (clap 3x)
Since Jesus Christ came in (point to heart)
And cleansed my heart from sin (move hands in opposite directions as to “wipe away”)
Math: 5 Senses – Touch, Taste
Letters: J, j
J - hook and a roof
j - hook and a dot
Numbers: Continue writing numbers 0-5
Information: Seven Days ( Author unknown )
Tune: “Are You Sleeping?” or “Where is Thumbkin?”
Seven days, seven days
In a week, in a week
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Saturday, that’s a week
Book of the Week:
Olivia by Ian Falconer
Fine Motor Skill: Peg Puzzles
Gross Motor Skill: Catch
Visual Perception Skill: Lacing
Suggested Activities:
• Character Trait:
- Make pizza dough or homemade bread that requires time to rise. Talk about the patience needed to allow the yeast to rise the dough.
- Read God, I Need to Talk to You About Whining by Susan K. Leigh
• Bible:
- Paint the Joseph in Jail worksheet with string. (See Book of the Week Activity)
- Joseph was in jail because someone lied. Discuss how lying hurts other people.
• Math:
Touch -
- Place various household items in a bag or box. With eyes closed or using a blindfold, have your child feel and identify each item. Example items: toothbrush, remote control, crayon, toy car.
- Rub different clothing textures between your hands. Discuss the feeling (i.e. coarse, soft, smooth).
- In a large container, place rice, lima beans, and/or other dried foods to play in like you would a sandbox. This is an excellent sensory activity that can be done inside. It is especially nice when the weather is not conducive to being outside.
Read any Touch and Feel books.
Taste -
- What part of the body do we use to taste things? Discuss the mouth and the tongue.
- My Favorite Food Collage
Give your child a paper plate or draw a circle on a piece of paper. Allow the child to look through old magazines or grocery ads and cut out pictures of favorite foods to glue on the plate.
- Using different foods in your refrigerator and pantry, taste and discuss how some items don’t taste very good by themselves but how each are very important when making cookies, bread, casseroles, etc. Example items: flour, lemon juice, sugar, salad dressing.
- Draw letters and numbers on a cookie sheet using pudding.
- Using the same main ingredient, eat several different things and discuss the differences - applesauce, apple butter, dried apples, apple pie, apple cake, etc. Also eat different varieties of food - grapes, bread products, apples. (Idea from Let's Learn About Magnificent Me)
- This is a good time to discuss with your child that there are things that are okay to eat and things that are not okay. It is also important to ask Mommy or Daddy for permission to eat anything given to you by a stranger.
- Read Food for Thought by Saxton Freymann to learn about shapes, colors, numbers, opposites and letters all through amazing and fun food creations.
- Read The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle and discuss taste and the days of the week.
- Click for additional ABCJLM Five Senses Ideas ...
• Letters & Numbers:
Weeks 22-23 focus on the "hook" characters. This week focuses on letters Jj. Start by creating the characters using play dough snakes or pipe cleaners for the bubbles and move to writing the characters on the Hook Characters worksheet to show the progression of the letters and numbers.
• Information:
Help the child learn the seven days of the week by singing the song to the tune of “Are You Sleeping?” or “Where is Thumbkin?”
• Book of the Week:
- Olivia claims that she is good at many things. Have your child draw a picture doing something that she is really good at doing.
- Point out talents and gifts that you see in your child.
- Paint the Joseph in Jail worksheet with string.
• Fine Motor Skills: Peg Puzzles or Small Puzzles
• Gross Motor Skills:
Play catch with a beach ball or stuffed animal
• Visual Perception Skill: Lacing
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