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Items Needed:
Tactile Letters: v, w
Books: Bible, The Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash
CD: Hide 'Em in Your Heart Vol. 2
Character Trait: Giving
Definition: Sharing with others; being generous
Opposite: Keeping things for yourself; being selfish
Bible Story: The Widow's Offering
Scripture: Mark 12:41-43
The New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes: pg 318-319
The Beginner's Bible: pg 433-436
My Story Bible: pg 108-109
Through the Bible in Felt: Story #144
Comprehension Questions:
How much did the widow give to God?
The rich man gave a lot more money to God than the widow did yet God liked what the widow gave better. Why?
When you place money in the offering at church, you are giving to God. What are other ways you can give to God?
Verse: 2 Corinthians 9:7 - God loves a cheerful giver.
Steve Green - Hide 'Em in Your Heart Vol. 2 - #9
Bible Song: His Banner Over Me is Love (Traditional)
He brought me to His banqueting table, (motion to come, hands in front with palms down and work out like smoothing a table cloth)
His banner over me is love. (hands together above the head to make a triangle, hands on shoulders, cross arms)
He brought me to His banqueting table,
His banner over me is love.
He brought me to His banqueting table,
His banner over me is love.
His banner... over me... is love.
Optional Verses:
- Jesus is the rock of my salvation, (point up, fist in other hand, cross arms in front of body to make a "t")
- There'sone way to peace through the power of the cross. (raise index finger, peace sign, hand in fist, twist index and middle fingers - These actions may be a little tough for preschool kids. Adapt where needed. )
Math: Spatial - Around, Through; Under, Over; Left, Right
Letters: v, w
v - little valley
w - little valley, little valley
Information: Write last name on tracing paper.
Book of the Week: The Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash by Trinka Hakes Noble
Fine Motor Skill: Paint
Gross Motor Skill: Roll and Throw a Ball
Visual Perception Skill: Mazes
Suggested Activities:
• Character Trait:
- As a family choose a place to serve and give (i.e. local Soup Kitchen, help an elderly neighbor, make cookies or bread for someone, give to Good Will, Samaritan's Purse) Let the child give the food to the chosen person. Discuss how he felt giving to others.
• Bible:
- Without the child seeing, tape on the back of The Widow's Offering worksheet several coins. Turn the worksheet over and color with a white crayon over the coins to make crayon rubbings. Give the child the worksheet and instruct to paint with watercolors to reveal the coins.
- Further help the child understand the difference in the rich man's offering and the widow's by using money or tokens. Give one person many coins and the other person two. Have both put their offering in an offering plate. Look at what is left in each pile. Discuss how the widow gave all while the rich man had much left.
- Gather a quarter, dime, nickel, and penny to create a Coin Rubbing. Discuss how each of the coins are different in size and worth. Notice how the coins have different designs for the head and tail. Tape each coin to the back of a piece of paper to hold in place. Flip over and color over each coin to create an impression. Flip the coins over to make an impression of the opposite side.
- Create "My Coin" by drawing a circle and have the child draw her face or body on it. Add the amount of the coin and the date (just like on a real coin).
• Math:
Hide a coin and use spatial words to play "Hot and Cold." Choose one person to be the seeker. Have that person leave the room while some else hides a coin. When the seeker returns to the room, the hider uses spatial words to explain where the coin is hidden.
• Letters & Numbers:
- Week 7 focuses on "angled-line letters" v and w. Start by creating the characters using short and long craft sticks and move to writing the characters on the Angled Line Characters #1 worksheet.
- Place magnetic refrigerator numbers (1, 4) and letters (Tt, Ii, E, F, Ll, H, Vv, Ww) into a bag. Have your child draw out a number or letter and tell you: the color, name, sound, and case (uppercase or lowercase) of the letter and number.
• Information:
Continue to have the child practice writing his last name on 1" Tracing Paper. Slowly remove the red dot, green dot, and then box as the child is ready.
• Pragmatic Activity
Pragmatics is the study of language in a social setting. Periodically throughout this curriculum, I encourage you to choose from the ideas available on the ABCJLM website to help the child use language appropriately in social situations. Select one or more of the example pages to discuss.
• Book of the Week:
- Vocabulary - boring, ducked, suppose, sense
- Find examples of cause and effect in the book. Using the Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash worksheet, instruct the child to draw an example of cause and effect from the book in the top two boxes. Then have the child create her own example for the lower two boxes.
• Fine Motor Skill: On the Spiral Snake worksheet paint the snake using cotton swabs and cut along the spiral lines. Check out Teaching How to Use Scissors for ideas.
• Gross Motor Skill: Using a large ball such as a beach ball, sit on the floor and roll or throw the ball back and forth. Use this time to talk to your child about her likes/dislikes, fears, wishes, etc. or review memory verses.
• Visual Perception Skill:
Teach pencil control with Mazes. Instruct the child to keep the pencil from hitting the lines while doing the mazes. Additional mazes available in the ABCJLM Visual Perception Workbook.
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