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Items Needed:
Books: Bible, Caps for Sale
Worksheets: Fire Truck, Pp Writing, Penny, Draw the Shapes 1, Draw the Shapes 2
Games: Twister, Barrel of Monkeys
Activities: Paint, straw, blue glitter, pennies, shredded paper or oatmeal, plate, salt, spray bottle of vinegar, cotton ball or soft rag, pillow, old belt, aluminum foil, construction paper, glitter glue, Armor Set, bowl of water, pepper, dish soap, magnifying glass, watercolor
Theme: Armor of God
Bible Story: Belt of Truth
Objective: The purpose of the armor of God and the belt of truth.
Scripture: Ephesians 6:11-14
Comprehension Questions:
Why do we need the armor of God?
What is the belt of truth?
Verse: Ephesians 6:11 (NIV) - Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.
Tune: Are You Sleeping
Put on the full armor, put on the full armor
of-- God, of-- God
So that you can take your stand, so that you can take your stand
Against the devil's schemes, against the devil's schemes.
Ephesians six--, Ephesians six--
Verse eleven, verse eleven
Put-- on the full armor, put-- on the full armor
of-- God, of-- God.
Bible Song: I'm in the Lord's Army (Traditional)
I may never march in the infantry (march)
Ride in the cavalry (pretend you're riding a horse)
Shoot the artillery (clap hands together and move one hand into the air like a missile)
I may never fly o'er the enemy (fly like a bird)
But I'm in the Lord's army (point to self and then up to God)
I'm in the Lord's army, yes, sir! (salute)
I'm in the Lord's army, yes, sir!
I may never march in the infantry
Ride in the cavalry
Shoot the artillery
I may never fly o'er the enemy
But I'm in the Lord's army, yes, sir!
Books of the Bible: Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea
Math : Money - Penny
Science : Safety - Fire
Social Science : Helpers - Fire Fighters
Letters: P, p
Numbers: Point to and Count 0-25
Literacy: Beginning, Middle, End
Sight Word : are
Book of the Week:
Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina
Fine Motor Skill: Cutting
Gross Motor Skill: Twister
Visual Perception Skill: Draw Worksheets
Suggested Activities:
• Bible:
- Armor of God Introduction Story ( Original source of object lesson unknown )
Put water in a bowl. Pretend that the water is the world. Ask the child to give you examples of sin in the world (i.e. lying, stealing, being sassy). As the child lists specific sins sprinkle black pepper into the bowl of water. Place your finger in the water and notice how the pepper sticks to your finger. "Ephesians 6:11-12 says that the devil's goal is to make us sin and he is really good at tempting us. We all know how easy it is to make bad choices. But in the next verse, we learn that God has given us armor to fight the devil when we are tempted." Wipe off your finger and cover with dish soap. "Let's see what happens when I am tempted with sin while wearing my armor." Place the "protected" finger in the water. The pepper will scatter to the sides. "The Armor of God protected me! For the next few weeks we are going to learn about the different pieces of the Armor of God so that we can be protected from sin as well."I highly suggest that you purchase a costume Armor Set for this unit. Our kiddos have two sets similar to this and wear them almost daily. A set like this will help the child understand the pieces in the Armor of God.
- The Belt of Truth
The Bible is the Truth but the devil tries to get us to believe lies and things that are not true. By placing the Belt of Truth on our waist we can remember what is true. The belt is the one of the most important piece of the armor because it holds the sword. Without it the sword would fall.
- Create a Belt of Truth
Cover an old belt with the aluminum foil. (You will use aluminum foil for most of the crafts during this unit.) The child will wear the belt backwards. In the middle of the belt, write "Truth" with glitter glue. Draw 1 1/2" tall rectangles on pieces of construction paper. Have the child cut them out and right "Bible" on each. Glue the Bibles on the belt.
• Math:
The penny is worth 1 cent (1/100 of a dollar). The penny has the profile of Abraham Lincoln, the16th President of the United States. The back of the penny has a picture of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. "E PLURIBUS UNUM" means, "Out of many, one." Pennies contain 97% zinc and 3% copper making the penny brown in color. Examine the coin with a magnifying glass.
- Questions:
What shape is this coin?
What color is this coin?
Who is on the front of this coin?
What is on the back of the coin?
Where is the value of the coin printed? Point to where it is printed.
Is the edge of the coin smooth or ridged?
- Rhyme : (Original Author Unknown)
Penny, penny, easily spent,
Copper brown and worth one cent.
- Activities:
Coin Rub: Tack down two pennies - one heads up, one tails up. Place a piece of paper over the coins. Using a brown crayon, color over the coins to make an impression.
Paint the Penny worksheet with brown watercolor.
Find a Coin: Hide a few pennies in a tub of shredded paper or oatmeal. Have the child name the coin and say the rhyme for the coin found.
Clean a Penny: Lay a penny on a plate. Sprinkle the penny with salt and then spray with a few drops of vinegar. Watch the penny start to shine. You can help the process along by scrubbing the penny with a cotton ball or soft rag. Wipe dry.
Review the lesson on tithing from Week 7.
• Science:
- Practice what to do in case your clothes catch on fire: Stop, Drop, and Roll.
- Discuss ways to prevent fires (i.e. do not play with matches; keep items away from the fireplace, stove, and candles). Also discuss an exit route out of your home in case of a fire. Designate a single meeting place that is a safe distance away from your home (i.e. big oak tree, well house, a neighbor's front yard.) Practice your escape plan once a month.
- Dial 911 - Children need to know how to get a hold of the police department, fire department, and hospital in case of an emergency. Now that the child can recite his phone number and address, the child is ready to practice this. Have the child dial a play phone and tell the "dispatcher" his name, the emergency, and the address of his home. This is also the time to discuss what denotes an emergency and that 911 is never to be called for any other reason that a true emergency.
• Social Science:
- Visit a local fire station
- Read books about Fire Fighters
- Fire Fighters Craft - Pretend to be a fireman and put out the fire. Place drops of red and yellow paint randomly on white paper. Using a straw, blow the paint around on the paper. Observe how blending red and yellow paint produce the color orange.
- "Wheels on the Fire Truck" Song
Sing the "Wheels on the Bus" substituting fire truck with bus. Add in fire words: sirens go woo-woo, ladders go up and down, fire fighter say "put it out."
- "Create a Fire Truck" Puzzle
Color and cut out the shapes in the Fire Truck worksheet. Give the shapes to the child to form a fire truck.
- Handprint Fire Fighters (Reprinted with permission)
Make a print of the child's hand with paint. Add circles for the heads with hats on top. Draw the faces. Add a black hose through the fingers with arms holding the hose. Using blue glitter glue add the water splashing from the end of the hose.
• Letters:
Use the Pp Writing worksheet and for further learning check out the Letter P Activities.
• Numbers:
Using the strips of paper cut for the Fine Motor Skill activity, point to and count from 0-25. Make sure that each strip is pointed to and counted only once.
• Literacy:
In Week 17, we learned about major events in the story. Now we will learn to divide the story into three sections - beginning, middle, and end. Using the book Caps for Sale, divide the story. As you read other stories, review by dividing the story into three parts.
• Book of the Week:
- Wear your favorite hat while reading the book.
- After reading the first few pages of the book, ask the child what the terms "peddler" and "wares" mean. Ask again at the end of the book. Help explain any questions that the child has after reading the book.
- Have a race to see who can balance a pillow on his head the longest or while walking at a fast speed.
- With the discussion of pennies this week, have the child decide how many pennies the caps cost. Make a sign advertising the caps for sale and include the price.
Play the game Barrel of Monkeys
• Fine Motor Skills:
Draw thick lines on a large piece of paper (or use several pieces) to make 25 strips of paper. Have the child cut the strips apart and use for the number activity.
• Gross Motor Skills: While playing the actual rules of Twister are probably too difficult for this age level, take turns calling out colors and body parts to match.
• Visual Perception Skill:
This week focus on the Draw Visual Perception worksheets and complete a shape drawing to draw items. Additional worksheets available in the ABCJLM Visual Perception Workbook.
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