New Testament Flannlegraph Story

The New Testament is the second portion of the Bible which includes the stories of Jesus, the first church, and direction on how to live.  Below are ideas to help children understand this part of the Bible as a whole.


New Testament Facts

27 Books
The newer part of the Bible, written second.
The promise of a Savior (Jesus) in the OT happens in the NT.
Stories of Jesus' birth, death, resurrection, His disciples and the church.
The NT teaches us how to live and how to receive forgiveness for our sins.
The ending focus of the NT is that Jesus is returning to take His followers (those who are saved) with Him to Heaven.


New Testament Activities and Crafts

Timeline Color   Bible Timeline
One of the best ways to explain how the New Testament fits in with the Old Testament is to create a visual timeline.  Continuing with the timeline created in 5 Year Week 31 with the Old Testament, print the New Testament printable and have the child draw pictures of eight major stories of the New Testament. Cut out and place the drawings on the timeline using string to connect the timeline and the drawing.   (Dates are approximate)
5 BC - Jesus is Born
27 to 30 AD - Jesus' Ministry
30 AD - Jesus Died, Arose, Ascension


New Testament Interactive Bible Story

Available in the New Testament Curriculum


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