Scripture: John 20
Read and Share Toddler Bible: pg 178
The Beginner's Bible: pg 450
My First Hand-On Bible: pg 350
The Tale of Three Trees
by Angela Elwell Hunt
The Meaning of Easter | What's in the Bible
While geared toward elementary-aged children, this video explains the Easter story better than I have ever seen and can be very helpful for adults as well.
Psalm 106:1a - Give thanks to the Lord.
Tune: She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain
Give- thanks to the Lord-, give- thanks (clap, clap)
Give- thanks to the Lord-, give- thanks (clap, clap)
Psalm one hundred six verse one-, Psalm one hundred six verse one-
Give- thanks to the Lord-, give- thanks (clap, clap)
He is Risen
Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb
He is risen as He said
As He said, as he said
He is risen as He said
Matthew 28:6
Hot Cross Buns Traditional
Hot cross buns, Hot cross buns
One a penny, two a penny
Hot cross buns
Sheet available in the Bible Activity Workbook
Sheet available in the Bible Activity Workbook
Free Coloring Sheets for Immediate Family Use - Jesus is Alive
Caterpillar to Butterfly Illustration
I have always been awed by the symbolism of the caterpillar turning into a butterfly and Jesus being in the tomb and rising again. Discover several fun butterfly activities, illustrations, and crafts.
Resurrection Rolls
Experience an empty tomb with a crescent roll and a marshmallow. Super easy and great fine motor activity.
Easter Basket Idea Idea by Stacey
Here is one way to do an Easter basket without the bunny. On Friday, you discuss the cross, sin, and why Jesus died and put black rocks (or ones you painted black) in the basket. They represent sin and the sadness. Then on Easter morning, they will see their baskets and the black rocks will be gone and filled with gifts to represent the gift of life that came through the death and resurrection of Jesus!
Wordless Book
The Wordless Book was introduced by Charles Spurgeon in 1866 as a method to explain the Gospel. Create a book, bracelet, cake, or other craft to help children understand the Good News of Christ's death and resurrection.
Resurrection Eggs
The idea behind Resurrection Eggs is that each egg helps tell the story of Jesus' last days on earth, His death, and His resurrection. It can be completed as a countdown to Easter or as a stand alone activity that you do all in one sitting. Most numbered egg contains a scripture verse (rolled up scroll style) and a corresponding trinket that relates to that part of the story.
I John 3:16 Heart Chain
Do this activity while telling the Easter story. Do not tell the child what you are doing but have him sit and listen. Then show the child the surprise at the end. You will have to practice this to make sure that your timing is correct.
Cut a piece of paper in half, length wise. Each 4 1/4" x 11" piece can be used to create a heart chain. (Begin the Easter story) Gently fold the paper in half, width wise. Fold again. Unfold. (Soldiers came to get Jesus.) The lines created will help you see where to accordion fold the paper. Now accordion fold the paper taking the edge of the paper to the first line. Flip the paper over and fold the width of the first fold. Continue folding until the paper is folded eight times. (Jesus is beaten and mocked and placed on the cross.) Lay the folded paper flat on a table with the first fold toward the left. Draw half a heart on the top with the center of the heart on the fold. Allow the curved part of the heart to partially overflow to allow for the hearts to be connected. (Jesus died on the cross as the punishment for our sins.) Cut along the lines (Jesus in the tomb). Open up the hearts (Jesus is risen!). Give each child a Heart Chain. Add the words "This is how we know", "what love is", "Jesus Christ laid down His life", and "for us. I John 3:16".
Interactive Bible Story
Discover ideas from the age-appropriate, Interactive Bible scripts available in the Old and New Testament Curriculum, 2 Year Interactive Bible Stories, 3 Year Interactive Bible Stories, and 4 Year Interactive Bible Stories
Why is the resurrection important?
The answer to this question is found in I Corinthians 15:17 (NLT). “If Christ has not been raised, then your faith is useless and you are still guilty of your sins.” When Jesus was resurrected, He demonstrated that death had no power over Him (Romans 6:9) and the punishment for sin was paid. Forgiveness of sins brought about by the resurrection allows us to have a personal relationship with God. We no longer have to live in shame or guilt. We can live in hope. Read more...
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