Jesus' Death

Jesus' Death

It can be confusing to know how to talk to young children about Jesus' death, but with the right approach, you can help them understand His incredible love and sacrifice. This page offers age-appropriate songs, memory verses, Bible stories, activities, and crafts to guide preschoolers in learning about the significance of Jesus’ death. These resources make it easier to teach the message of love, hope, and salvation in a way that is simple and meaningful for children.

Jesus' Death Bible Story and Videos

Scripture: Matthew 27
Read and Share Toddler Bible pg 176
The Beginner's Bible:  pg 446
My First Hands-On Bible: pg 344
Through the Bible in Felt: pg 225-227


The Jesus Book:  The Ultimate Who, What, When, Where, and Why Book

Although not a children's Bible, The Jesus Book:  The Ultimate Who, What, When, Where, and Why Book by Stephen Elkins makes the Bible accessible to kids. What really drew me to it is the simplicity of the stories, with the author breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand explanations. I also love the inclusion of maps and timelines, which pair perfectly with school history lessons. Read more...

The following pages help a child better understand the death and resurrection of Christ. 

  • pages 32-33 - He went to the cross.
  • page 59 - When was Jesus raised from the dead? (turn back to pages 50-53 to view a Bible time line)
  • page 74 - Where did Jesus die on a cross?
  • page 86 - Why did Jesus die on a cross for me?

Update:  This book is no longer in print and is available in Kindle edition only.

Buck Denver Asks: What's in the Bible? Volume Ten - Jesus is the Good News! by JellyFish Labs

Jesus is the Good News!

Geared toward elementary-aged children, Buck Denver Asks: What's in the Bible? Volume Ten - Jesus is the Good News! explains the Easter story better than I have ever seen. Through catchy songs, humorous sketches, and clear Bible stories, Buck and his friends explain the importance of Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection, showing how Jesus is the fulfillment of God's promises. This volume emphasizes the gospel message in a way that's accessible and enjoyable for children, helping them grasp the good news of Jesus with joy and clarity.

Adventures in Odyssey: Daring Deeds, Sinister Schemes (Gold Audio Series #5)

Adventures in Odyssey: Daring Deeds, Sinister Schemes

Also geared toward elementary-aged children, the episode "The Imagination Station, Part 1 and 2" takes a character named Digger back in time to Jesus' death and resurrection. He is immersed into the historical happenings and even becomes a voice in the crowd. Being in the situation, Digger forgets the outcome of the events and fights to protect Jesus from an unfair fate. He joins the disciples and followers of Jesus as they fear for Jesus' life. In the end, Digger sees through the Easter story the sacrifice and love Jesus has for each one of us.  These two episodes were profound in my younger life.

Jesus' Death Bible Verse

Matthew 28:6 - He is risen as He said.

Tune:  Mary Had a Little Lamb
He is risen as He said
As He said, as He said
He is risen as He said
Matthew 28:6

Luke 24:6a He is not here; he has risen!


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Jesus' Death Bible Song

O How I Love Jesus  Traditional

O, how I love Jesus,
O, how I love Jesus,
O, how I love Jesus,
Because He first loved me!


John 3:16

Tune:  Silent Night

John 3:16, John 3:16
For God so loved
The world that He gave
His only begot-ten Son that whosoever
Believeth in Him- should not-perish
But have everlasting- life-
John 3:16, John 3:16

Jesus' Death Activity Sheet

All Printables Free for Immediate Family Use Only

3 Crosses Three Crosses

 Jesus in Tomb Jesus in the Tomb


Jesus' Death Activities and Crafts

Cross Heart Painting Cross and Heart Painting
Using the template, cut around the cross.  Tape the back of the cross to a white piece of paper.  Using a piece of sponge, stamp around the cross covering the entire piece of paper.  Careful pull up the cross.  Let dry.  Cut out the inside of the heart.  Tape the underside of the heart on top of the cross.  Place a few dots of red paint inside the heart.   Lay a piece of string in the dots of paint and drag around to cover the heart.  Careful pull up the heart.  Let dry.

Resurrection Rolls Resurrection Rolls
Experience an empty tomb with a crescent roll and a marshmallow.

Clothes Pin Caterpillar  Caterpillar to Butterfly Illustration
I have always been awed by the symbolism of the caterpillar turning into a butterfly and Jesus being in the tomb and rising again. Discover several fun butterfly activities, illustrations, and crafts.  


Jesus' Death Interactive Bible Story

Interactive Bible Story
Discover ideas from the age-appropriate, Interactive Bible scripts available in the Old and New Testament Curriculum2 Year Interactive Bible Stories3 Year Interactive Bible Stories, and 4 Year Interactive Bible Stories

Explain that the story of Jesus' death is very sad.  But we don't have to stay sad because the best part is coming.  Explain that Jesus died for our sins; for the bad choices that we make.  Even though the flannelgraph contains the images, I discourage showing preschoolers Jesus on a cross.

Why did Jesus have to die?
We have all sinned (Romans 3:23), deserve the consequences for our sin (Romans 6:23), and need a Savior (Matthew 1:21). God loved us so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to die on the cross to rescue us from our sins and to pay the penalty of death we all deserve. Romans 5:8 states, “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”   Read more...


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