Wise Men Visit Jesus Flannelgraph Bible Story

Wise Men Worship Jesus Bible Story

Scripture: Matthew 2:1-11

Read and Share Toddler Bible:  pg 142
The Beginner's Bible: pg 286
My Story Bible:  pg 60-67
My First Hands-On Bible:  pg 226


Wise Men Worship Jesus Bible Verse

John 3:16a For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son.

Isaiah 9:6 For to us a child is born, for to us a son is given.


Wise Men Worship Jesus Bible Songs & Poems

O Come All Ye Faithful  Traditional

O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant,
O come ye, O come ye, to Bethlehem.
Come and behold Him, born the King of angels;
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord.

Christmas Bells  Author Unknown

Tune:  Jingle Bells
Christmas Bells, Christmas Bells,
Ring them out today.
Christ was born in Bethlehem
To take our sins away.

Christmas Bells, Christmas Bells,
Ring them out today.
Tell all the world of Jesus' love
This happy Christmas day.  

Wise Men

Wise men of old followed the star
Wise men today follow the Christ.

Wise Men Worship Jesus Activity Sheet

Wise Men Worship Jesus Coloring Worksheet  Sheet available in the Bible Activity Workbook

Wise Men Visit Jesus Coloring Sheet  Sheet available in the Bible Activity Workbook

Three Wise Men Coloring Sheet  Free Coloring Sheets - Wise Men and Star Puppets
Cut and color each of the puppets and attach each to a craft stick.  With the puppets, show the Wise Men following the star.


Wise Men Worship Jesus Activities and Crafts

All Printables Free for Immediate Family Use and with a Current License Only

Star with String  Find the Star
Without the child watching, hide several stars around the room.  Tell the child that he/she is to be like the Wise Men and find the star that led them to Baby Jesus.  Help the child dress the part with a robe and a towel around his/her head (use a belt, safety pin, or robe to hold the towel on).

Macaroni Star  Macaroni Star
Place a few macaroni noodles in a zip-top plastic bag.  Add couple of drops of vinegar and 4-5 drops of food coloring.  Mix to distribute the color.  Dye more macaroni in separate bags.  Open the top of the bag and let dry.  Using the Star Template, place a thin layer of glue on the paper.  Add the colored macaroni to create a colorful macaroni star.

3D Star  Christmas Star
Cut out the stars from the Christmas Star printable on cardstock paper and decorate.  Cut on the dotted lines.  Slide the cut portion of one star over the cut portion of the other to make a 3D Star.  Add a string to hang.

Salt Dough  Homemade Christmas Ornaments  
Salt Dough Ingredients:  1 cup all-purpose flour, 1 cup salt, 1/2 cups water
Directions:  Mix together the flour and salt.  Add in the water.  May add food coloring.  Knead until smooth.  Break off a small section and roll 1/8" thick.  Have the child press his foot or hand into the dough to make a print or cut with a cookie cuter.  Let it dry for a few days by flipping periodically or bake at 200 degrees until hard. 

Tortilla Christmas Stars  Cinnamon-Sugar Tortilla Stars 
Spread margarine on flour tortillas.  Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.  Using a star-shaped cookie cutter, cut stars out of a flour tortilla.  Bake 10 minutes in 350 degree oven until crisp.

Three Wise Men on Camels  Epiphany - Three Kids Day

Create a custom to leave a little trough (box/container) of hay (grass) and a bowl of water for the camels to be refreshed as they stop on their journey back East and in return they leave a little token gift (unwrapped).  Idea from Nena


Wise Men Worship Jesus Interactive Bible Story

Wise Men Visit Jesus Flannegraph

Interactive Bible Stories
Discover ideas from the age-appropriate, Interactive Bible scripts available in the Old & New Testament Curriculum1 Year Interactive Bible Stories, and 2 Year Interactive Bible Stories

Wise Men Going On a Long Trip  Source Unknown
Have the child repeat each verse after you.
We’re going on a long trip. (pretend to ride a camel)
Do you see the shining star? (point to the sky)
Saddle up your camels. (pretend to ride a camel)
Because we are going very far. (place hand over head like looking off)
We’ve come from a long trip. (pretend to ride a camel)
The star shows us the way. (point to the sky)
To worship our true Savior. (make praying hands)
And, I’ll praise Him every day. (hands lifted above head)


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