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Thank you for subscribing to the Parenting to Impress blog and The Helping Hand Newsletter.

An active subscription allows you to print and download one copy of each digital download below for your immediate family use.

If you no longer receive the weekly emails, your subscription may no longer be active. Please resubscribe before accessing the resources below.  

Instead of sharing the direct link to this page, the pdf file, or download, please share the subscription link (https://forms.feedblitz.com/5p2) so that your friends may receive their own free copy according to our Terms of Use.  


Bible Resources

Old Testament Reading Plan

Old Testament Chronological Reading Plan 

Read through the key chapters of the Old Testament with this 32-week reading plan with compiled notes.

New Testament Reading Plan

New Testament Chronological Reading Plan 

Read through the key chapters of the New Testament with this 20-week reading plan with compiled notes.

A Quiet Time, Worth the Time Download  

A Quiet Time, Worth the Time

Discover what I learned in my journey to have a quality quiet time.  You will love the practical tips to immediately implement into your own life.

Blessed Be the Lord Reading Plan

Psalms Reading Plan 

Use this 105-day reading plan to guide you through the chapters of Psalms as you create a list of attributes of God.

Holiday Resources

Easter Hunt

Easter Treasure Hunt

Discover the true treasure of Easter by following a set of clues.  Options provided for young or older children.


Resurrection Egg Printables

Resurrection Eggs

Discover items in Easter eggs to help tell the story of Jesus’ last days on earth, His death, and His resurrection.  Enjoy the surprise of the final, empty egg to remind us that the tomb was empty.  Read Directions and Learn more......

This product is no longer free, but can be purchased here.


Other Resources

Intentional Moms Printable

9 Things Intentional Moms Do Before 10 AM Printable

Be intentional each day with this fun printable.

Pragmatics Milestones

Pragmatic Milestones

Meeting pragmatic milestones is important to the child's ability to communicate.  And this skill is crucial for life! 

Is your child developing appropriately?  Print the Pragmatics Milestone chart and read the blog to learn how to use it. 

Parenting One-Liners Printable

Parenting One-Liners Printable

Discover the best-kept secret of parenting and immediately transform your home or classroom with these short phrases.

God Says about Me

Are You Believing Lies or Truth?

Print a list of the lies Satan tells us and God’s truth with verses to denounce each lie.  I encourage you to take this list to your Quiet Time and let the truth soak deep into the pores of your soul.  Then write these truths in your Quiet Time Journal and post these around your home using 3×5 cards or post-it notes.

Praying for Your Children

Praying for My Children

Use this guide and the How to Pray the Scriptures podcast episode to pray for your children.

Praying for My Husband

Praying for My Husband

Use this guide and the How to Pray the Scriptures podcast episode to pray for your husband.  

Unable to find the Free Printable that you desire? 

The printables mentioned on the Parenting to Impress blog and the ABCJesusLovesMe Social Media pages are only available for a limited time.  Continue to watch the blog and newsletter for announcements as the library is continually updated!