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Items Needed:
Tactile Numbers and Letters: 1, 0, Qq
Books: Bible, Ten Apples Up On Top!
Worksheets: Apples Up on Top, #10 Apple Tree, Letter Q, Jesus Calms the Storm
CD: Hide 'Em in Your Heart Vol. 1
Activities: Shapes drawn on cardstock, Children's Safety Scissors, sandwich ingredients, apple, tall pieces of paper, paint, blue streamers, large craft stick, watercolors, glue, glitter
Bible Story: Jesus Calms the Sea
Scripture: Matthew 8:23-27
The New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes: pg 276
The Beginner's Bible: pg 334
My Story Bible: pg 86-87
Through the Bible Felt: Story #119
Comprehension Questions:
When Jesus came down to earth as a baby, He became human like you and me. Just as we get tired, Jesus needed to rest. Did you know that while on earth Jesus got tired?
Do you have trouble sleeping through a storm?
Why do you think Jesus was able to sleep through the storm?
The disciples went to Jesus when they got scared. Who can you go to when you get scared? (pray to Jesus)
Can you tell the wind and rain to stop during a storm? No, but Jesus can. Jesus is so powerful that even the wind and the waves obey Him.
Verse: Psalm 56:3-4 - When I am afraid, I will trust in you, in God whose Word I praise.
Steve Green – Hide 'Em in Your Heart Vol. 1 - #5
Bible Song: Deep and Wide (Traditional)
Deep and wide (put arms vertically, then horizontally),
Deep and wide
There’s a fountain (rain down with fingers)
Flowing (play piano with fingers)
Deep and wide
Optional – each time substitute the below words and say “hmmm” instead
1st Time - Deep
2nd Time - Deep, wide
3rd Time - Deep, wide, fountain
4th Time - Deep, wide, fountain, flowing
1st Time Example:
Hmmm and wide
Hmmm and wide
There's a fountain
Hmmm and wide
Poem: Head and Shoulders
Tune: “Mary Had a Little Lamb” or "London Bridges"
Head and shoulders, knees and toes
Knees and toes (Repeat 2x)
Head and shoulders, knees and toes
Clap your hands together
(Start slow and gradually increase the speed as you sing and do actions)
Math: Spatial
On, off Before, after First, middle, last Top, middle, bottom
Letters: Qq
Q - big curve, close, add a tongue
q - little curve, hook backward
Number: 10
Name: Write the fourth letter of your child's first name using 3" Letters.
Book of the Week:
Ten Apples Up On Top!
by Dr. Seuss
Fine Motor Skill: Cutting
Gross Motor Skill: Memory Obstacle Course
Suggested Activities:
• Bible:
- Using watercolors, paint the Jesus Calms the Storm worksheet. Place a layer of glue and glitter on the waves.
- Trade off acting parts for the wind, the rain, Jesus, and the disciples. Make sure that the "wind" and "rain" stop immediately when Jesus tells them to.
- Attach different shades of blue streamers to a large craft stick. Wave the streamers in the air while reading the story to create waves.
- Create a Rainstorm (Original author unknown)
Imagine sitting with the disciples on a boat and a storm comes. Have the child help you create the storm by following your lead. Add this activity to a Family Night for more fun!
1. Slowly rub fingertips together (wind coming)
2. Slowly rub hands together (wind getting heavier)
3. Quickly rub hands together (wind getting stronger)
4. Slowly snap fingers (raindrops coming) - This is a very difficult task for a preschooler but the child will have fun trying!
5. Quickly snap fingers (heavy rain)
6. Clap hands (thunder)
7. Clap and then immediately hold hands up with spread fingers and strike downward (lightning)
8. Quickly tap thighs (very hard rainfall)
9. Repeat in reverse order (storm gradually calming down)
• Math:
Make a sandwich and discuss using spatial words (on, off, before, after, first, middle, last, top, middle, bottom) during the process of making it. When finished explain what forms the top, middle, and bottom of the sandwich.
• Letters:
- Introduce the letters Qq using the tactile letters and decorate the Letter Poster to add to the Letter of the Week book.
- When introducing the Letter O in Week 21, I suggested you point out to the child that your mouth makes an "O" shape when you say "oh". Just for fun, make an "oh" shape with your mouth and stick your tongue out the side of your mouth to transform the "O" into a "Q".
- Remember to focus on the phonetic sound of each letter as your child is writing the characters. Read more...
- More Letter Qq ideas...
• Numbers:
- Add ten red fingerprints to the Apple Tree #10 worksheet. After drying, add stems and a little leaf to each apple.
• Name: If the child is ready, introduce the fourth letter for writing. Just like last week, instruct the child to trace the tactile letter. If she is able to correctly form the letter, give the child the 3" Letter cut from the 3" Uppercase Letters worksheet and placed in a dry erase pocket. With a dry erase marker, demonstrate how to form the letter while saying the Letter Formation Chant. Then, allow the child to write the letter and use the green and red dots as reminders.
- Optional Addition:
Some children may be ready to begin writing the lowercase letters as well. Available as a digital download, the 3" Lowercase Letter Digital Download may be used along with the other ABCJLM Handwriting Worksheets. Make sure the child can correctly trace the tactile letter before begin this step in writing.
• Book of the Week:
- Color and cut out the apples on the Apple Up on Top worksheet. On a tall piece of paper, have the child draw himself at the bottom. Add the apples on top starting with number one. Help the child order the apples. Point and count as you do the project.
- Apple Painting
On a tall piece of paper, have the child draw herself at the bottom. Cut an apple in half vertically. Dip the apple in paint and stamp onto paper. Add the number of apples on top for the child's age.
• Fine Motor Skills: Have your child cut out shapes that you have drawn on cardstock paper. Draw a circle, triangle, square and diamond using thick lines.
• Gross Motor Skills:
Create a Memory Obstacle Course with a puzzle, letters, or numbers.
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