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Items Needed:
Tactile Numbers and Letters: 1, 3, Vv
Books: Bible, From Head to Toe
Worksheets: Letter V, Number 13, Jesus and the Little Children
CDs: Hide 'Em in Your Heart Vol. 1
Activities: Post-it notes, Play Dough, mirror, magazines, Primary Lacing Beads or spaghetti and fruit loops, corn syrup, food coloring
Bible Story: Jesus and the Little Children
Scripture: Matthew 19:13-15
The New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes: pg 150
The Beginner's Bible: pg 409
Through the Bible Felt: Story #138
Comprehension Questions:
Who wanted to see Jesus?
Who tried to stop the children from seeing Jesus?
Why do you think the men didn't want the children to see Jesus?
Why did Jesus want to see the children?
Verse: Matthew 19:14- Let the little children come to me.
Steve Green – Hide 'Em in Your Heart Vol. 1 - #1
Bible Song: Jesus Loves the Little Children (Traditional)
Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Red and yellow, black and white
They are precious in His sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world.
Poem: I Use My Brain (From: 500 Five Minute Games by Jackie Silberg)
I use my brain to think, think, think (touch head)
I use my nose to smell (touch nose)
I use my eyes to blink, blink, blink (touch eyes)
I use my throat to yell (touch throat and yell on word “yell”)
I use my mouth to giggle, giggle, giggle (touch mouth)
I use my hips to bump (touch hips)
I use my toes to wiggle, wiggle, wiggle (touch toes)
And I use my legs to jump (jump)
Math: AB Pattern – Introduce with beading
Letters: Vv
V - big valley
v - little valley
Number: 13
Name: Write the 1st letter of your child's last name using 3" Letters.
Book of the Week:
From Head to Toe by Eric Carle
Fine Motor Skill: Play Dough
Gross Motor Skill: Walk Like an Animal
Suggested Activities:
• Bible:
- Paint the Jesus and the Little Children worksheet with a mixture of corn syrup (very little needed), water, and food coloring.
- Look through magazines or catalogs to find pictures of many different children. Cut and glue the pictures onto a piece of paper. At the top of the piece of paper write "Jesus Loves Children". Be sure to add a picture of your child. Look at the pictures as you sing this week's song "Jesus Loves the Little Children." (Source Unknown)
- "Jesus Loves the Little Ones Like Me" Activity
While singing "Jesus Loves the Little Ones Like Me," place a mirror in front of a different child's face each time you sing the word "me." This activity is especially fun with a large group of children.
- Click for more ABCJLM Jesus and the Little Children Ideas...
• Math:
- Discuss how patterns are all around us (i.e. day, night; eat a meal, clean off the table; go potty, wash our hands). Introduce patterns by beading with lacing beads or by threading fruit loops onto spaghetti pieces stuck vertically into play dough. Place the spaghetti close together in the play dough to form the letter "V." (Thank you to Kate for this idea.)
• Letters:
- Introduce the letters Vv using the tactile letters and decorate the Letter Poster to add to the Letter of the Week book.
- More Letter Vv ideas...
• Number:
- This week draw lines on the Number 13 Poster and then color in an AB pattern. Add thirteen stickers.
• Name: If the child is ready, introduce the first letter of her last name. As with the first name letters, instruct the child to trace the tactile letter. If she is able to correctly form the letter, give the child the 3" Letter cut from the 3" Uppercase Letters worksheet and placed in a dry erase pocket. With a dry erase marker, demonstrate how to form the letter while saying the Letter Formation Chant. Then, allow the child to write the letter and use the green and red dots as reminders.
• Book of the Week:
(See Gross Motor Skills Activity)
• Fine Motor Skills:
- Hide two different colored beads in play dough or putty and have the child find. Encourage your child to not use her thumb but to use the weaker fingers instead. Create an AB patterns with the found beads.
• Gross Motor Skills:
Using the book From Head to Toe, walk like an animal. Have the kids come up with ideas but here are a few to get you started.
- Bear - on all fours
- Crab - side to side
- Turtle - creep
- Snake - slither on tummy
- Ostrich - hold one ankle up
- Frog - squat and jump
- Kangaroo or bunny - hop with both feet
- Horse - gallop
- Gorilla - bend your knees
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