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Items Needed:
Tactile Numbers: 6, 9
Books: Bible, God, I Need to Talk to You About My Bad Temper, The Little Red Caboose
Worksheets: Characters, Tracking 1, Tracking 2, My Yellow Book, Build a Train, Book Summary, Jesus is Tempted
Activities: Children's Safety Scissors, Pragmatic Activity, pretzel sticks, large marshmallow, peanut butter or frosting, glue, cheerios or M&M's, soft ball, basket, paint, rectangular stamp or sponge
Character Trait: Self-Control
Definition: Making the right choice even if you don’t feel like it
Opposite: Anger, argue, throw a fit, whine, cry
Big Thoughts for Little People: Letter B
Bible Story: Jesus is Tempted
Objective: When I start to lose control of myself, I can say a memory verse.
Scripture: Luke 4:1-13
The New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes: pg 254-255
Through the Bible in Felt: Story #102
Comprehension Questions:
Jesus was very hungry. Why was He so hungry?
Satan wanted Jesus to do something wrong. What did Jesus tell Satan?
Did you know that Jesus was tempted to do wrong?
What can you do when you are tempted to do wrong? (Say a memory verse, ask for help)
Verse: I Peter 1:13 - So think clearly and exercise self-control.
Tune: She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain
So think clear-ly and exercise self-control. (clap, clap)
So think clear-ly and exercise self-control. (clap, clap)
First Peter one, thirteen
First Peter one, thirteen
So think clear-ly and exercise self-control. (clap, clap)
Bible Song: Praise Him, Praise Him (Traditional)
Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little children,
God is love, God is love;
Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little children,
God is love, God is love.
Optional verses:
Love Him...
Thank Him...
Serve Him...
Math: Sequencing a story.
Numbers: 6, 9
6 Make a loop and then a hoop! Six!
9 Make a hoop and then a line.
That’s the way to make a nine!
Information: Write first and last name on a blank sheet of paper.
My Color Book: Yellow
Book of the Week:
The Little Red Caboose
by Marian Potter
Fine Motor Skill: Cutting
Gross Motor Skill: Basketball
Visual Perception Skill: Tracking Worksheets
Suggested Activities:
• Character Trait:
- Self-control is one of the hardest traits for young children to develop. To change poor behavior, the child must be equipped with a better choice. Help the child come up with an acceptable solution to screaming, throwing a fit, and pouting. If you have not chosen a verse, use this week's memory verse as a verse your child can say to help her get into control. Then work with the child to incorporate this positive behavior into his life.
- Play a game or do an activity that may be a little challenging for the child. Help your child maintain self-control through the frustration.
Read God, I Need to Talk to You About Whining and God, I Need to Talk to You About Disrespect by Susan K. Leigh
• Bible:
- Stamp the Jesus is Tempted worksheet with a rectangular stamp or sponge to cover the worksheet with "Bibles." Discuss how Jesus used Bible verses to answer Satan's temptations.
- The Enemy
Depending on the maturity of the child, use this opportunity to talk about Satan. Explain that Jesus was tempted but He did not sin. Also help the child understand that everyone is tempted but Jesus is praying for us. Some scriptures to help you explain this to your child: James 4:7, 1 Cor 10:13, Rom 8:34, John 17:6-26; Eph 6:10-19
• Math: Read The Little Red Caboose and talk about the order of events. Use the Book Summary worksheet to draw pictures to represent the beginning, middle, and end of the story. The DLTK website has some wonderful story sequencing printables to use with other popular children's books.
• Numbers:
Weeks 27 - 28 focus on the leftover characters that don't really fit anywhere. Start by creating the characters using play dough snakes or pipe cleaners and move to writing the characters on the Characters worksheet to show the similarities between the "6" and "9."
• Information:
For the past two weeks, your child has been writing his first and last name using a capital letter on the first letter only. If the child is ready, try giving him a blank sheet of paper to write his name. This will prepare your child for writing his name on a card, craft, or other objects that do not have writing lines.
• My Color Book:
Cut, color, and finish the My Yellow Book. Help your child read the lines.
• Pragmatic Activity
Pragmatics is the study of language in a social setting. Included in the 4 Year Curriculum are suggestions to help a child use language appropriately in social situations. Select one or more of the example pages to discuss.
• Book of the Week:
- Make marshmallow trains. (Original Source Unknown)
Use pretzel sticks or toothpicks to hook the large marshmallow "cars" together. Use peanut butter or frosting to glue cheerios or M&M's on as wheels and other features.
- Click for more ABCJLM Train ideas...
• Fine Motor Skills:
- Have the child color and cut out the shapes of the Build the Train worksheet. Instruct the child to build a train using the shapes.
• Gross Motor Skills:
Play basketball with rolled up socks or a soft ball and a box or laundry basket.
• Visual Perception Skill: This week focus on the Tracking Visual Perception Worksheets which help the child begin the process of looking from left to right and top to bottom. Encourage the child to search for the given item as if they would read a book. A child may need to point to each letter/character with his/her finger. Additional worksheets available in the ABCJLM Visual Perception Workbook.
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