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Items Needed:
Tactile Letter and Number: s, 8
Books: Bible, Emma Kate, Horton Hatches the Egg
Worksheets: Snake Characters, My Blue Book, Blind Bartimaeus
CD: Hide 'Em in Your Heart Vol. 1
Activities: Greeting cards, soft ball, Play Dough, Block Activity, items to cook, blindfold, glue, dirt or sand
Character Trait: Persevering
Definition: Not stopping even though problems come and you feel like quitting
Opposite: Giving up
Bible Story: Blind Bartimaeus
Objective: Jesus gives me strength to keep going even though I want to give up.
Scripture: Mark 10:46-52
The New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes: pg 280-281
My Story Bible: pg 100-103
Through the Bible in Felt: Story #136
Comprehension Questions:
Why was Bartimaeus begging?
What did Bartimaeus do when the people told him to be quiet?
What did Bartimaeus say he wanted Jesus to do?
What did Jesus do for Bartimaeus?
Verse: Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Steve Green - Hide 'Em in Your Heart Vol. 1 - #15
Bible Song: My God is So Big (Traditional)
My God is so big (move hands out from each other at sides)
So strong and so mighty (make muscles with up with both arms, and then down)
There’s nothing my God cannot do (shake head “no” and cross arms in front of body”
For you (point at other person)
(Repeat Chorus)
The mountains are His (make mountains with arms above head)
The valleys are His (make valleys with arms at waist)
The stars are His handiwork too – oo – oo (Hold hands above head and make “stars” with fingers)
(Repeat Chorus)
Math: Sequencing – simple directions
Letter: s
s - snake around, curve up
Number: 8
Make an ‘S’ but do not wait. Go back up and close the gate.
Information: Write first and last name on tracing paper.
My Color Book: Blue
Book of the Week:
Emma Kate
by Patricia Polacco
Fine Motor Skill: Play Dough
Gross Motor Skill: Roll and Throw a Ball
Visual Perception Skill: Block Activity
Suggested Activities:
• Character Trait:
- Blind Bartimaeus believed Jesus could heal him. He cried louder when those around him said to be quiet. He kept trying to get Jesus' attention; he persevered because He believed in Jesus. Do an activity that is a little difficult for a child. Help her persevere through the frustration.
• Bible:
- Color Jesus and Blind Bartimaeus on the worksheet. Paint a thin layer of glue on the path and sprinkle with dirt or sand.
- Review the five senses from Weeks 21-23.
• Math:
- Prepare to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, cupcakes, or pizza, or do a common activity with your child. Explain to the child that she is going to be the teacher and you are going to pretend that you don't know how to do the activity. Purposely try to do things out of order. Discuss how sequencing is important. Afterwards, have your child recall the steps in the correct order.
- Give your child a list of three activities. Ask the child to put them in order. Some children may have a very hard time with this verbally so draw pictures for each. (i.e. Go outside. Put on your shoes. Put on your socks.) Have your child perform the activity. Then do the activity with a blindfold on. Help the child understand how excited Bartimaeus must have been to have his sight restored.
• Letter and Number:
- Week 26 focus on the snake characters "8" and "s." Start by creating the characters using play dough snakes or pipe cleaners and move to writing the characters on the Snake Characters worksheet to show the progression of the letters and numbers.
- Wait to attempt writing an "8" after the child is secure in writing an "S." Use the Number Rhyme to help write the "8."
• Information:
Continue to have the child practice writing his first and last name on 1" Tracing Paper. Slowly remove the red dot, green dot, and then box as the child is ready.
• My Color Book:
Cut, color, and finish the My Blue Book. Help the child read the lines.
• Book of the Week:
- Patricia Polacco received her inspiration to write Emma Kate from Dr. Seuss's Horton Hatches the Egg. Read both books and compare the elephants in the stories.
- Instruct the child to draw a picture of his imaginary friend or what he would want his imaginary friend to look like.
• Fine Motor Skills:
Using play dough, make a snake to form an “S” but do not wait; go back up and make an "8."
• Gross Motor Skills: Roll and throw a soft ball.
• Visual Perception Skill: Block Activity
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