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Items Needed:
Tactile Letter: S
CD-ROM: Charlie Church Mouse Preschool
Character Trait: Obedience
Definition: Doing what you are told, right away, and with a happy heart without being reminded
Opposite: Defiant, rebelling
Big Thoughts for Little People: Letter M
Bible Story: Jonah
Objective: I am to obey God, no matter what.
Scripture: Jonah 1:1-3:10
The New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes: pg 224-229
The Beginner's Bible: pg 257-264
My Story Bible: pg 52-53
Through the Bible in Felt: Story #85
Comprehension Questions:
What did God tell Jonah to do?
What did Jonah tell God?
Where did Jonah go?
What happened while Jonah was on the boat?
What did the sailors do to Jonah?
How long was Jonah in the whale?
Sometime it isn't fun to obey. What request do you have trouble obeying?
Verse: James 1:22 (NLT) - But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says.
Tune: London Bridges
Don't just listen to God's Word. (shake head, point to ear, make book with hands)
To God's Word, to God's Word.
You must do-- what it says. (point, shout "What is says")
James one twenty-two. (make book with hands, one finger, two fingers)
Bible Song: Head and Shoulders (Traditional)
Tune: “Mary Had a Little Lamb”
Head and shoulders, knees and toes
Knees and toes (Repeat 2x)
Head and shoulders, knees and toes
Clap your hands together
(Start slow and gradually increase the speed as you sing and do actions)
Books of the Bible: Philemon, Hebrews, James
Math: Sequencing - Daily Activities
Letter: S
S - snake around, curve up
Numbers: Write numbers 0-5
Information: Write first and last name on tracing paper
My Color Book: Red
Book of the Week:
Bedtime for Frances by Russell Hoban
Fine Motor Skill: Make Cards
Gross Motor Skill: Crawling
Visual Perception Skill: Dot-to-Dot
Suggested Activities:
• Character Trait:
- Glue two circles onto a popsicle stick - one with a happy face and one with a sad face (or use the Teaching Emotions printable). Give various scenarios and have the child decide whether the situation demonstrates a good choices or a bad choice. Show the happy face for "good choices" and the sad face for "bad choices." Explain that Jesus is happy when we obey. It makes Jesus sad when we choose to not obey. Allow the child to create his own scenarios.
- Read God, I Need to Talk to You About Laziness by Susan K. Leigh.
• Bible:
- Fingerpaint the Jonah Praying worksheet. Let dry. Line the waves with glue and sprinkle with glitter.
- Fish Cookies
From sugar cookie dough, cut triangles that are two different shapes (or use a whale cookie cutter). Overlap the two triangles (with the points of the triangles facing the same direction) to make a fish shape. Press down to make the shapes adhere together. Bake according to the recipe. Frost the fish cookie with blue icing. Add a teddy bear cookie or draw a stick man in the frosting to represent Jonah.
- "Hug and Seek"
Play a variation of Hide-and-Seek to help the child(ren) learn we can't hide from God. Have one person count to ten while everyone else hides. Each time the seeking person sees a "hidden" person, give him or her a hug and say, "God sees you and so do I." (Idea from Pray and Play Bible)
• Letters & Numbers:
- Weeks 25-26 focus on the snake characters. This week focuses on the letter "S." Start by creating the character using play dough snakes or pipe cleaners and move to writing the characters on the Snake Characters worksheet.
- On 1” Tracing Paper, have the child write number 0-5. Draw a box for each number and add the green and red dots if needed.
• Information:
Return to writing the child’s first and last name on the 1” Tracing Paper. Using the 4 Year Curriculum Handwriting Worksheets as examples, draw a box for each letter in the child’s first and last name and add the green and red dots if needed.
• My Color Book:
I received the idea of creating color books from Bubs' Kindergarten class. He enjoyed reading them so much that I decided to create my own and add them to the end of the 4 Year Curriculum. There are nine color books along with one blank book available to create your own. Each book contains a title, a place for the child to declare authorship (write his name), four sentences and pictures to match, and the words "The End." All of the sentences follow the "A/An/The ______ is (color)." The pictures guide the child in reading the book. The books are created so that you can print them front and back and have six total pages per book. From now until the end of the curriculum, the child will create a different "My Color Book" each week. This week create the My Red Book. View suggestions...
• Book of the Week:
- Discuss your bedtime routine.
- Discuss fears and how to handle them.
- Learn a Bible verse or song to sing when your child gets scared.
Example: Psalm 56:3-4 - When I am afraid, I will trust in you, in God whose Word I praise.
“When I am Afraid” - Steve Green – Hide 'Em in Your Heart Vol. 1 - #5
• Fine Motor Skills: Make cards using markers, glue, scissors, etc. Use this activity to review shapes, colors, and have your child practice writing his name.
• Gross Motor Skills:
Place pillows, couch cushions or anything soft that your child can crawl over. Have fun making mountains and climbing to the peaks!
• Visual Perception Skill: Fish Dot-to-Dot 1-20
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