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Items Needed:
Books: Bible, God Gave Us Christmas, Touch and Feel Books
Worksheets: Gg Writing, Polar Bear, "Bee" Attitude, Teaching Emotions
Activities: Flashcards 0-20, blindfold, cardstock, craft sticks, butcher block paper, yarn, zip top bag, 1/2 cup flour, 2 tsp baking powder, 2 tsp salt, water, paint, Block Activity, construction paper, fingerpaint, sand, household items, rice, beans
Theme: "Bee" Attitude - Responsible
Bible Story: Parable of the Talents
Objective: We are to be responsible with what God has given us and we are to work hard for the Lord
Scripture: Matthew 25:14-30
Through the Bible in Felt: Story #135
Comprehension Questions:
How many men were in the story? (Four - master and three servants)
What did the master give to the men?
What did the (first, second, third) man do with his money?
God has given us abilities that He wants us to use. What is a talent that God has given you?
Verse: Colossians 3:23a (NIV) - Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord.
Tune: I'm a Little Teapot
What-ever you do (palms out)
Work at it (pound fists)
With all your heart (draw heart in the air)
as working for the Lord (pound fists, point in the air)
Colossians 3:23 (form a book with hands, fingers in the air)
Work at it (pound fists)
With all your heart (form heart in the air)
as working for the Lord (pound fists, point in the air)
Bible Song: O Come All Ye Faithful (Traditional)
O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant,
O come ye, O come ye, to Bethlehem.
Come and behold Him, born the King of angels;
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord.
Books of the Bible: Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon
Math : Order Numbers 0-10
Science : Taking Care of Me - Emotions
Social Science : Senses - Taste and Sight
Letters: G, g
Numbers: Point to and Count 0-20
Literacy: Setting - Where the Story Happens
Sight Word : it
Book of the Week:
God Gave Us Christmas by Lisa Tawn Bergren
Fine Motor Skill: Countdown Chain
Gross Motor Skill: Memory Obstacle Course
Visual Perception Skill: Block Activity
Suggested Activities:
• Bible:
- God has given each of us talents that we are to use for Him. Use this time to point out positive characteristics that you see in your child that God can use (i.e. servant's heart, encouragement, leadership). We do not know what the talent of each of the men in the parable was but we know two of them used their talents for God.
- In the top tier of the "Bee" Attitude worksheet, have the child write the attitude of the week. In the next tier, have the child draw a picture of the Bible story. In the bottom tier, ask the child to draw a picture of himself using his talent for God.
- Working for the Lord
Make a poster focusing on the memory verse. The heart is created with two prints laid overlapping at an angle. The finger tips are at the bottom of the heart. Keeping the fingers tight, paint the entire palm of the hand. You can also make small hearts using two thumb prints. Add the title "Working for the Lord with all my heart."
• Math:
Using numbers 0-10, have the child place flashcards in number order.
• Science:
- God created us with feelings (i.e. happiness, sadness, anger, fear). Having each of these feelings is not wrong but how we express these feelings is where problems occur.
- Use the Teaching Emotions worksheet to teach the child how to read faces. Print the printable onto cardstock, color and cut out the faces, and then glue them onto craft sticks for strength. Have the child choose a different color for each emotion. Discuss why he/she chose that color.
These cards can be used several ways:
• Imitate the face
• Talk about a time that you had this emotion
• Draw the face
• As you read a book or Bible story, choose the emotion each character is feeling
• Ask the following “How do you feel when…” questions. Each question may have more than one answer. Have the child explain why they chose each emotion.
You just found out that your grandparents are coming today and bringing you a very special surprise.
You dropped a big object on your foot.
Your little brother/sister broke a tower you just finished making.
You picked up all of your toys without being asked.
A group of friends won't let you play with them.
A friend calls and invites you to come over and play.
Some people you don't know are coming over today for supper.
- My Emotions and Me:
Have the child lay on a piece of butcher block paper. Trace around the child. Ask the child to finish the following statements and write the answers on the traced body according to the directions below. Color each part of the body to designate the color the child associates with the emotion. Have the child color her name her favorite color. Add a face and yarn hair. You will learn a lot about the child if you probe deeper into the responses. The child's love language may come out too!
My name is.... (between shoulders)
I feel happy when... (right hand)
I get angry when... (left hand)
I love it when... (chest)
I am worried when... (waist)
I feel sad when... (right thigh)
I feel lonely when... (left thigh)
I feel disappointed when... (right foot)
I get excited when... (left foot)
• Social Science:
Touch -
- Fingerpaint with sand added to the paint. (Thank you Betsy for this idea.)
- Place various household items in a bag or box. With eyes closed or using a blindfold, have your child feel and identify each item. Example items: toothbrush, remote control, crayon, toy car.
- Fill balloons with various household items and tie off. Have the child figure out the item inside the balloon by feeling it. Suggested items: water, sugar, rice, beans, toothpaste, noodles. (Original Source Unknown)
- Rub different clothing in a closet. Discuss the feeling (i.e. coarse, soft, smooth).
- In a large container, place rice, lima beans, and/or other dried foods to play in like you would a sandbox. This is an excellent sensory activity that can be done inside. It is especially nice when the weather is not conducive to being outside. Read any Touch and Feel Books.
Sight -
- - While blindfolded, have the child write his/her name and draw a picture. Use this activity to introduce the importance of the sense of sight. (Thank you to Betsy for this fabulous idea.)
- Talk with your child about the function of her eyes. Ask her to identify the job of her eyes. Explain that most people have eyes. Eyes are different colors and different shapes, but the function of the eyes is just the same.
- Collect several items and place them in front of you. Blindfold the child's eyes and then remove one of the objects. After removing the blindfold, have the child decide which item is missing. Start with a few items and gradually increase the difficulty. (Idea from Tripod)
- Seated on the floor, blindfold your child. Place four or five similar objects in front of him. Ask for a particular object. Allow the child to feel the objects. Discuss that some people cannot see, and that we should be thankful for our eyesight.
- Play Pin the Tail on the Donkey.
• Letters:
Use the Gg Writing worksheet and for further learning check out the Letter G Activities.
• Numbers:
Using number flashcards, point to and count each number.
• Literacy:
- Discuss the place where the majority of the story occurs.
- Talk about the setting of God Gave Us Christmas. In this book the main setting is the Arctic with minor settings along the bears' travels.
• Book of the Week:
- Create a Puffy Polar Bear with the Polar Bear worksheet.
Mix: 1/2 cup flour, 2 tsp baking powder, 2 tsp salt, and enough water to make the mixture into a paste.
Place the mixture in a ziptop bag and mix ingredients. Cut off the corner to pipe the mixture onto the polar bear.
Once the polar bear is covered, dab the mixture with your finger to make the mixture look like fur.
Place the paper in the microwave for 20-30 seconds at a time until the mixture has risen and is fully baked.
Discuss how the baking powder forms air pockets in the mixture causing it to puff up.
(You can also do this activity with shaving cream - without microwaving.)
- While reading the book, discuss what the bears taste or touch in the story.
• Fine Motor Skills: Create a Countdown Chain
Instructions: Choose a date to countdown to (i.e. birthday, vacation, family visiting, or Christmas)
Supplies: Two colors of construction paper - cut into 1”x8” strips to make 12 and 13 strips of each color (totaling 25 strips - use more or less depending on countdown), glue, a marker, scissors
Directions: Write the numbers on the strips, alternating colors between numbers.
Link the colors together to form a chain using the glue.
Tear off a link each day (starting with the highest number).
Each day, count the links that are left.
• Gross Motor Skills:
Create a Memory Obstacle Course with letters and numbers.
• Visual Perception Skill: Block Activity
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