Scripture: Psalm 23, John 10:1-18
Through the Bible in Felt: pg 103
Psalm 23:1 - The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.
Tune: Are You Sleeping
The Lord is my Shepherd; (repeat)
I shall not want. (repeat)
The Lord is my Shepherd;
I shall not want.
Psalm 23:1 (repeat)
Jesus Loves Me Traditional
Jesus loves me! This I know,
For the Bible tells me so;
Little ones to Him belong,
They are weak but He is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
The Bible tells me so.
Jesus Loves the Little Children Traditional
Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Red and yellow, black and white
They are precious in His sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world.
I'm His Little Lamb Traditional
Jesus is the Shepherd,
Guess who I am?
Such a lovely secret,
I'm His little lamb.
Jesus Loves the Little Ones Like Me Traditional
Jesus loves the little ones like me, me, me.
Jesus loves the little ones like me, me, me.
Little ones like me,
Sat upon his knee,
Jesus loves the little ones like me, me, me.
Jesus loves the little ones like you, you, you.
Jesus loves the little ones like you, you, you.
Little ones like you,
Saved you through, and through,
Jesus loves the little ones like you, you, you.
Sheet available in the Bible Activity Workbook
Glue thinned cotton balls so the sheep.
Glue a pipe cleaner to Jesus' staff.
Free Coloring Sheet for Immediate Family Use: Jesus and the Lamb Coloring Sheet
Psalm 23
Color and glue onto a piece of construction paper. Lamb Puppet
Cut out the pieces on the template. Glue the head to the bottom of a white paper sack. Glue legs to the sides and opening (be sure to glue the legs so that the hand will not cover them up). Glue the tongue inside the fold. Roll thin strips of white paper around a pencil to curl. Glue as wool on the lamb’s head.
Lamb Handprint
Paint the palm and fingers of the hand black. Press down on a piece of paper with the fingers parallel and the thumb outstretched. Glue cotton balls on the palm and part of the fingers. Add eyes, a mouth, and ears on the thumb for the lamb's face. Add the title "The Lord is My Shepherd."
Paper Bag Lamb
Cut out the pieces on the template. Open up the paper bag and fill with newspaper. Fold over the end and tape to close. On the bottom of the sack, glue the lamb face. Glue the legs to the sides of the bag. Add a cotton ball tail on the folded top of the bag.
Lamb Mask
Cut out the lamb and glue to a paper plate. Glue popped popcorn on the “wool” part of the picture between the ears. Tape or glue on a large popsicle stick to the back of the paper plate.
My Shepherd Loves Me
Print the My Shepherd Loves Me Forever coloring sheet on cardstock. With a hold punch, punch holes around the heart. Using pipecleaners, make two staffs. Place the staffs over the heart. Lace the pipecleaners down onto the heart. Discuss how the Shepherd loves His sheep.
Shepherd's Staffs
Using breadstick dough or sugar cookie dough, roll the dough into a "snake" and bend the end to make a staff. Jesus the Shepherd
Color the Jesus the Shepherd coloring sheet. Using a white or black ink pad, stamp thumbprint lambs on the poster. Add a head, legs and a tail to the lambs. Glue to a piece of construction paper. Add the title "My Shepherd is Always with Me." I am His Little Lamb Book
Use the "I am His Little Lamb" as a title page and staple or bind all of the pages together to form a book. Review the Bible stories as you look through the finished book.
My Sins are Forgiven
Use or make an Etch-a-Sketch to demonstrate how God erases our sins when we ask for forgiveness. In a ziptop bag, place 1/2 cup hair gel and 2 tablespoons of tempera paint (you may also add glitter). Seal the seams with clear packing tape. Mix together. With the bag sitting on a solid surface, use a craft stick to "draw" on the bag. Simply flatten to erase.
Jesus Is My Shepherd
Make a list of all the attributes of Jesus as our Shepherd listed in Psalm 23 and Isaiah 40:11. Here are some examples:
Psalm 23:1 - Jesus is my shepherd and provides everything that I need.
Psalm 23:2 - Keeps me safe.
Psalm 23:3-4 - His rod and staff gentle guide and discipline me to help me make good choices.
Isaiah 40:11 - He carries His lambs close to His heart, gentle
Available in the Old Testament Curriculum, New Testament Curriculum, 2 Year Interactive Bible Stories, and 4 Year Interactive Bible Stories
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