Jesus Walks on Water Flannelgraph Bible Story

Objective: Keep Your Eyes on Jesus

Jesus Walks on Water Bible Story

Matthew 14:22-33

The New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes:  pg 296-297
The Beginner's Bible: pg 364-365
Through the Bible in Felt:  pg 187


Jesus Walks on Water Bible Verse

Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
Steve Green – Hide 'Em In Your Heart, Vol 1 - #16

James 1:22a (NLT) But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says.


Jesus Walks on Water Song

Deep and Wide  Traditional

Deep and wide (put arms vertically, then horizontally),
Deep and wide
There’s a fountain (rain down with fingers)
Flowing (play piano with fingers)
Deep and wide

Optional – each time substitute the below words and say “hmmm” instead
1st Time - Deep
2nd Time - Deep, wide
3rd Time - Deep, wide, fountain
4th Time - Deep, wide, fountain, flowing

1st Time Example:
Hmmm and wide
Hmmm and wide
There's a fountain
Hmmm and wide

He Walked Upon the Sea   Original Source Unknown

Tune:  Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
Jesus did not need a boat,
He walked upon the sea.


Jesus Walks on Water Activity Sheet

Jesus Walk on Water Worksheet  Sheet available in the Bible Activity Workbook

Glue torn pieces of tissue paper to the waters.

Paint the water with shaving cream and blue food coloring.


Jesus Walks on Water Activities and Crafts

Free Coloring Sheet for Immediate Family Use: Jesus Walks on Water

I am Looking at Jesus Craft  I am Looking at Jesus
Use this craft to remind your child to keep their eyes on Jesus.

Binoculars  Binoculars
Paint two toilet paper rolls.  Staple together and add a string.  Discuss with the child the importance to keep his/her eyes on Jesus.

PipeCleaner Glasses  Pipecleaner Glasses
Twist one pipecleaner into the shape of an "8".  Attach one pipecleaner on each side to make ear pieces on the glasses.  Twist the ear pieces together in the back to hold them on the child's head. This is a silly craft but my kiddos loved this one and it really helped them remember the objective of the Bible Story.

Jesus Walks on the Water Craft
Print the worksheets.  Color the first picture of Jesus and the boat.  Cut a slit along the dotted line.  Color and cut out Peter on the second page.  Glue the figure to a craft stick.  Slide the stick into the slit and move Peter up and down in the water according to the story.


Jesus Walks on Water Interactive Bible Story

Available in the New Testament Curriculum and 4 Year Interactive Bible Stories.


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