Scripture: Mark 12:41-43
The Beginner's Bible for Toddlers : pg 144-147
Through the Bible in Felt : pg 216
2 Corinthians 9:7c - God loves a cheerful giver.
Trust and Obey Traditional
Trust and obey (march in place and then salute)
For there’s no other way (cross arms in front of body)
To be happy in Jesus (move fingers to make happy smile at mouth)
But to trust and obey (march in place and then salute)
Sheet available in the Bible Activity Workbook
Color with broken crayons.
Free Coloring Sheets for Immediate Family Use: The Widow's Offering
God Loves a Cheerful Giver
Sponge paint the Tithe Poster using coin shaped (circle) sponges. Glue on a piece of construction paper.
My Giving Bank
Make a bank out of a cylinder container. Cut a slit in the lid. Decorate and write, "I Can Give to God." Place coins and money in the bank to give to church, missionaries, or other ministries.
Tithing Discussion
The main point behind tithing is that all we have is not ours but God's. He asks that we give some back to Him with a happy heart.
Story Introduction
Further help the child understand the difference in the rich man's offering and the widow's by using money or tokens. Give one person many coins and the other person two. Have both put his/her offering in the box. Look at what is left in each pile. Discuss how the widow gave all while the rich man had much left. Coin rubbings
Gather a quarter, dime, nickel, and penny. Discuss how each of the coins are different in size and worth. Notice how the coins have different designs for the head and tail. Tape each coin to the back of a piece of paper to hold in place. Flip over and color over each coin to create an impression. Flip the coins over to make an impression of the opposite side. My Coin
Draw a circle and have the child draw his/her face or body on it. Add the amount of the coin and the date (just like on a real coin).
Family Giving Opportunities
As a family choose a place to serve and give (i.e. Local Soup Kitchen, help an elderly neighbor, make cookies for someone, give to Good Will, Samaritan's Purse)
Available in the New Testament Curriculum, 1 Year Interactive Bible Stories. and 2 Year Interactive Bible Stories.