Mary and the Angel Flannelgraph Bible Story

Baby Jesus is Coming

Explore a collection of engaging activities, resources, and ideas designed to introduce preschoolers to the coming of Baby Jesus. These resources will help you create a fun and meaningful experience as children learn about the significance of His birth. From crafts to songs, discover how to make this joyous story come alive in your classroom or home!

Baby Jesus is Coming Bible Story

Scripture: Luke 1:26-38, Matthew 1:18-24

Read and Share Toddler Bible:  pg 126
The Beginner's Bible: pg 266
My First Hands-On Bible:  pg 208

Baby Jesus is Coming Bible Verse

Matthew 1:21b Give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.


Baby Jesus is Coming Bible Song

Christmas Bells  Author Unknown

Tune:  Jingle Bells
Christmas Bells, Christmas Bells,
Ring them out today.
Christ was born in Bethlehem
To take our sins away.

Christmas Bells, Christmas Bells,
Ring them out today.
Tell all the world of Jesus' love
This happy Christmas day.  

Mary Had a Little Lamb  Traditional

Mary had a little lamb
Little lamb, little lamb
Mary had a little lamb
Its fleece was white as snow.

Discuss how there is a Biblical meaning to “Mary Had a Little Lamb” as well.
Mary – Jesus’ Mother
Lamb – Jesus
White as snow – Jesus was without sin


Baby Jesus is Coming Activity Sheet

Mary and the Angel Worksheet  Sheet available in the Bible Activity Workbook

Mary Rides on the Donkey Worksheet  Sheet available in the Bible Activity Workbook


Baby Jesus is Coming Activities and Crafts

All Printables Free for Immediate Family Use Only

Handprint Angel  Handprint and Footprint Angel
Create an angel with a foot for the body and the hands for the wings.  Draw a head and face.  Add this saying to the back or on the same side if framing: " This little angel is special you see; because she is a part of me. Her wings are my hands, her body my feet. And on the tree she'll look very sweet."  Shared by Lesleigh

Hay for Jesus  A Bed for Jesus:  Countdown to Christmas  
Shared by Nicolle:  Growing up, our coffee table housed a little manger with hay under it.  During the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, every time we did something without being asked to do it, we placed a piece of hay in the manger. The goal was to get enough hay in the manger by Christmas for baby Jesus. Learn more...   

Glitter Angel  Glitter Angel
Color and cut out the angel on the Angel Coloring Sheet.  Glue to a piece of construction paper.  Outline the angel with glue and sprinkle on glitter.  Let dry.  Discuss how the angel told Mary and Joseph that baby Jesus was going to be born.

Tissue Paper Angel  Tissue Paper Angel
Paint the Angel with watered-down glue.  Cover the angel with tissue paper.  Paint another layer of glue on top of the tissue paper.  Add glitter.  Let dry and then cut out.


Baby Jesus is Coming Interactive Bible Story

Interactive Bible Stories
Discover ideas from the age-appropriate, Interactive Bible scripts available in the Old & New Testament Curriculum and 2 Year Interactive Bible Stories

Introduction for Story of Jesus' Birth
Materials:  Box wrapped as a present containing a Nativity Scene

(Adult holding the gift box)  Oh, my!  Look what I have found today!  Hmmm, I wonder how it got here? I wonder who put it here?  (Let child respond)  What do you think it is?  Who do you think it is for?  Well, it is December and I remember that there is a special Holiday this month.  Do you remember what holiday it is?  Can you tell me why we have Christmas?  (Answers:  Jesus’ birthday, to give presents, etc.)  God made a promise a long, long, long time ago of a very special gift.  He made the promise way back to Adam and Eve.  Do you remember when we talked about Adam and Eve?  (If the answer is no, spend just a moment reminding your child about the story of creation.)  God sent special messengers to tell people about a special gift.  What do you think we need to do with this gift?  Should be open it?  (Slowly open the box and ask questions about each piece of the manger as you bring them out one at a time)  (When all of the items are on the table)  I am so glad that God gave us the best gift of all…Jesus.  Now let’s see what our Bible say about His special gift.